Introduction to Ionic & TypeScript
- Getting Started with Ionic Development
- Introduction to Ionic and TypeScript
- Learn how to do environment setup for Android, and iOS development
UI Components & Theme Customization & Navigation
- Exploring UI components such as buttons, sliders, segmentations, side menu, Forms, Icons, Images and lot more.
- Implementing UI Component with our application
- Theming our application
- Learn how to create new page & navigating between pages with data
Working with Web Service
- Connecting 3rd party web services
- Working with Camera
- Uploading Images to database
- Uploading Images to File Server
- Simple Login System with PHP & MySQL
Working with Firebase
- Firebase Setup
- CRUD with Realtime database
- Uploading images with Firebase Storage
- Firebase Authentication
- Login with Facebook
- Login with Google+
Working with Location
- Accessing Geolocation
- Working with Google Maps
- Executing Firebase Geo Queries ( finding near by places)
- Working with Local Storage
- Working with SQLite
- Working with Push Notification
- Displaying Ads with AdMob
- Receiving Payment using PayPal
- Preparing for publishing
- Setup Icon & Splash Screen
- Play store publishing & App Store Publishing